
Thanks, Sandy. I like your last line. Many people have many reasons for legitimate frustration -- and the corresponding passions. The difficult thing for us is to see clearly in the midst of such things. I was thinking recently of Jesus' words as he contemplated his contemporaries, "If only you knew what would bring you peace -- but it is hidden from your eyes."

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I remember vividly when I stopped watching network news. Bill O'Reilly yelling over and interrupting his "guests" with his opinions was too much. Then the ongoing corruption and wealth of our leaders, the wealthier getting wealthier while the poor, and then Middle class not able to meet rent, food, bills. People are struggling and angry. I've seen a rapid change from an independent, free choice view to one of entitlement view of life. This happens throughout history when the gap between rich and poor occurs. I hear more youth (to me that means 40)cheering for the Palestians than Israel. Taking sides is a dangerous place to be, just as you describe. It is an explosive emotionality war everywhere to want justice but there is no evaluating, listening, dialog in. , it's I'm right, you are wrong, mind closing events. It's passion uncontrolled out of frustration of so little resolution of humanity needs met.

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Roger your artical about the troubles in the middle east. I agree with everything you have shared.

On the other hand, since I was born in 1944, three years Israel l became an independent state I remember the radio news broadcasts back as far as 1949 telling of the fighting going on at that time. ~ I didn't understand it of course but I do remember it clearly.

The fighting and killing has paused now and then but it has never completely stopped. My rather cynical viewpoint is that the people who live there be they Jewish or Moslem just like to fight.

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