
As a Reformational Christian, I tend to approach life with this conceptual framework: creation, fall, redemption. Creation: everything is created good. Fall: everything has fallen from its original goodness; everything is flawed. Redemption: everything can be redeemed. Missing any of these points betrays one into dualism, into a belief system in which one cannot acknowledge Christ’s impact on all things. So as I ponder the flaws of the woke movement (thank you for your initial thoughts on that!), I feel compelled to move beyond negative critique. I want to think about this phenomenon in all three of these categories. So, I wonder if you have (or will have!) wisdom for me here: what is the original goodness within the woke movement? And how might its flaws be redeemed?

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Interesting angle from which to think about this, Benjamin. Concerning the first point (the "original goodness within the woke movement"), I alluded to this briefly above. Those coming from this perspective often call attention to problems that actually are problems (I'll touch on specifics in subsequent posts) and have motivations that are honorable (to guard the interests of the vulnerable, for example). In some ways, however, neither one of these is particular to the woke movement -- in other words, they aren't one of its distinctive contributions. Its distinctive contribution comes rather, it seems to me, in the realm of ideas: the particular ways it understands the nature of our world and its problems, epistemology, and how to set things right. I'm afraid I think the set of ideas here contains grains of truth but is largely unhelpful. If "redeemed" in this case means patching them up so as to create a workable philosophy, I don't think this can be done. I would advocate, rather, that they be abandoned in favor of an alternative approach. If "redeemed" on the other hand means channeling the energies of those who have embraced the woke ideology in a more helpful direction, that is certainly possible. Writing this series is partly my small effort to do just that. If you have thoughts about how you would answer your own question, I'd be quite interested to hear them.

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Looking forward to what comes after this - very interesting!

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Our pendulum society ignores, asleep, until the swing emerges in the violent volcano of active violence and disruption. The wonderful advancements in technology have created a safe place to spew while keeping safely away from involvement. Many a parent calls (heaven forbid) or text their children with no respond. Super fast communication but I'll leave time for you when I feel up to it. Less doctors, nurses, teachers? Less gratitude more criticism. There is nothing new. So much intolerance of not like me.

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